
Special offers

Early check-in

Early check-in

Early check-in (from 06:00 to 14:00) is provided with a 50% discount on the room rate, subject to availability at the reception desk

Weekends in Tomsk

Weekends in Tomsk

For weekend bookings (Saturday, Sunday) - 7% discount (available to individuals when booking at the reception desk or by phone)

Long-term accommodation

Long-term accommodation

When booking a room for a period of 7 days or more - a 5% discount from the room price (provided to individuals when booking at the reception desk or by phone)



When booking a room from the 7th time of stay - 5% discount (provided to individuals when booking at the reception desk or by phone)
When booking a room from the 14th day of stay - 7% discount (provided to individuals when booking at the reception desk or by phone)